Hili ni jiwe linalopatikana mahenge eneo la Mbagula.
......TUNALENGA Kujenga uwezo wa jamii kushiriki katika utawala na kuwajibisha viongozi wao, kuwezesha jamii kufuatilia matumizi ya fedha za umma kupitia PETS, kutoa elimu ya ardhi na utatuzi wa migogoro ya ardhi, utunzaji wa mazingira, kukuza kipato cha jamii hasa wanawake kupitia VICOBA na kuwawezesha wanafunzi kwa kurahisisha upatikanaji wa vitabu katika vituo vya elimu (student centres) PAMOJA TUNAWEZA......TUSHIRIKIANE..
Welcome to UCRC
About Me
- Ulanga Community Resource Centre
- Ulanga Community Resource Centre is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee which was initiated with the aim of capacitating the resident peoples of Ulanga and Kilombero Districts and Tanzania in general to secure the right information and hold their duty bearers accountable in a bid to promote sustainable community development. UCRC as well aims at promoting educational activities in Ulanga District through facilitation of necessary educational resources in the area which include well equipped libraries and study centers. UCRC also works on land and natural resource rights for the marginalized rural people in Tanzania which also include sustainable use of such resources. It also provides legal aid and assistance to the poor, particularly women, children, the disabled and other disadvantaged groups in the society on different themes including land and gender.
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